Slam Dunk Wiki

BlazeSeed366 BlazeSeed366 10 August 2019

The school uniforms in Slam Dunk

Okay, since I watch the anime series and movies, I noticed their school uniforms besides their jersey attires.

Colors of School Uniforms: Winter/Summer

Shohoku: Dark Blue/Navy Blue

Ryonan: Dark Green

Shoyo: Gray

Kainan: Light Blue

Tsukubu: Light Teal

Takezono: Red

Ryokufu: Blue Gray

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Nmusd170066 Nmusd170066 29 October 2018

Riddle of the Wk!


- Wk 1 - There are 8 people who need to cross a river. 

1. Father

2. Boy 1

3. Boy 2

4. Mother

5. Girl 1

6. Girl 2

7. Cop

8. Robber

They all need to cross, but there're a few rules to follow.

1. The mother can't be alone with the boys unless the father is there.

2. The father can't be alone with the girls unless the mother is there. 

3. The robber can't be with ANYONE unless the cop is present.

To make things easier, here's a flash version.

Good luck! Answer and next riddle will be posted next wk on Saturday or Sunday!

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Ivan the Brony Kaiju Ivan the Brony Kaiju 6 November 2018


Can i be an admin? I heard that this wiki is inactive. So, i can revamp this wiki

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