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Atsushi Tsuchiya
Atsushi Tsuchiya
Gender Male Male
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Black
Professional Status
Occupation Basketball Player
Team Daiei High School
Year 3rd year
Position ? (possibly PF/SF)
Jersey Number #4
Personal Status
First Appearance
Manga Debut Chapter 188
Anime Debut Episode 88
[v · t · e]

Atsushi Tsuchiya (土屋 淳 Tsuchiya Atsushi) is the ace of Daiei High School who first appears when he and his team comfortably defeat Toyotama in the final match of the Osaka tournament. Tsuchiya appears again when Daiei are seen cruising through their opening match, and then again after they had won their second match to witness the showdown between Shohoku and Sannoh with the rest of the Daiei High Basketball.


Tsuchiya is the ace of Daiei High School and even Toyotama High were unable to control him. He possesses an excellent individual technique and is also capable to provide assists to his teammates. According to Hikoichi, his style of play is very similar to that of Akira Sendoh.


  • The name Atsushi means "pure" (淳).
  • Atsushi's surname Tsuchiya means "soil, earth" (土) (tsuchi) and "roof, house, shop, dealer, seller" (屋) (ya).


  • He is most probably based on Detlef Schrempf, a nimble, tall and ball-handling forward with a shooting touch. Also the Daiei High jerseys and uniforms look similar to Shhrempf's team, the Dallas Mavericks.